1.5. Docker Images

Docker is a widely used virtualization technology that makes it possible to pack an application with all its required resources into a standardized unit - the Docker Container. Software encapsulated in this way can run on Linux, Windows, macOS and most cloud services without any further changes or setup process. Docker containers are lightweight compared to traditional virtualization environments that emulate an entire operating system because they contain only the application and all the tools, program libraries, and files it requires.

For instance, Docker enables you to get a 3DCityDB instance up and running in a fews seconds, without having to setup a database server or the 3DCityDB database schema, as shown in Fig. 1.4.

3DCityDB Docker runtime

Fig. 1.4 Setup a 3DCityDB instance using Docker and establish a connection to the ready-to-use 3DCityDB in seconds.

Docker images are available for the following tools of the 3DCityDB software suite:

All images are available from 3DCityDB DockerHub.

The following sections provide quick start code snippets for all 3DCityDB Docker images to get you running in a few seconds. For a more comprehensive documentation please visit the individual chapters of each image.


Replace the line continuation character \ with ^ for Windows systems.

1.5.1. 3DCityDB Docker

To run a PostgreSQL/PostGIS 3DCityDB container the only required settings are a database password (POSTGRES_PASSWORD) and the EPSG code of the coordinate reference system (SRID) of the 3DCityDB instance. Use the docker run -p switch to define a port to expose to the host system for database connections.

The detailed documentation for the 3DCityDB Docker image is available here.

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name cdb \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeMe! \
  -e SRID=25832 \

A container started with the command above will host a 3DCityDB instance configured like this:

DB HOST           localhost or
DB PORT           5432
DB NAME           postgres
DB USER           postgres
DB PASSWD         changeMe!
DB SRID           25832
DB GMLSRSNAME     urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::25832

1.5.2. Importer/Exporter Docker

The 3DCityDB Importer/Exporter Docker image exposes the Command Line Interface (CLI) of the 3DCityDB Importer/Exporter. For all export or import operations a shared folder (docker run -v) to exchange data with the host system is required. It is recommended to run the container as the currently logged in user and group (docker run -u) to ensure files are readable/writeable.

The detailed documentation for the 3DCityDB Importer/Exporter Docker image is available here, the documentation of the CLI is available here.

docker run -i -t --name impexp --rm \
  -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  -v /local/data/dir:/data \
3dcitydb/impexp COMMAND

Use the help command to see the CLI documentation and list all available commands:

docker run -i -t --name impexp --rm 3dcitydb/impexp:edge-alpine help

Run help COMMAND to see the CLI documentation for a specific command:

docker run -i -t --name impexp --rm 3dcitydb/impexp:edge-alpine help export

For instance, a simple CityGML export looks like this:

docker run -i -t --name impexp --rm \
  -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  -v /local/data/dir:/data \
  3dcitydb/impexp \
    export -H my.citydb.host.de -d postgres -p postgres -u postgres -o out.gml

The exported file will be available on the host system at: /local/data/dir/out.gml.

1.5.3. 3D-Web-Map-Client Docker

The 3DCityDB 3D-Web-Map-Client Docker image provides an instance of the 3DCityDB 3D-Web-Map-Client. Use the docker run -p switch to expose a port for connections to the web client.

Currently, the Webclient Docker images are maintained and documented at the TUM-GIS 3D-Web Client Docker repo.

docker run -d --name 3dwebmap-container -p 80:8000 tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map

1.5.4. Web Feature Service (WFS) Docker

The 3DCityDB Web Feature Service (WFS) Docker image exposes the capabilities of the Web Feature Service for dockerized applications and workflows. Using the WFS Docker you can expose the features stored in a 3DCityDB instance through an OGC WFS interface offering a rich set of features like advanced filter capabilities. For a basic configuration just the connection credentials of the 3DCityDB (CITYDB_* variables) have to be specified.

All WFS functionalities are supported by the images.

The detailed documentation for the Docker image is available in Web Feature Service using Docker.

docker run --name wfs [-d] -p 8080:8080 \
    [-e CITYDB_TYPE=PostGIS|Oracle] \
    [-e CITYDB_HOST=the.host.de] \
    [-e CITYDB_PORT=5432] \
    [-e CITYDB_NAME=theDBName] \
    [-e CITYDB_SCHEMA=theCityDBSchemaName] \
    [-e CITYDB_USERNAME=theUsername] \
    [-e CITYDB_PASSWORD=theSecretPass] \
    [-e WFS_CONTEXT_PATH=wfs-context-path] \
    [-e WFS_ADE_EXTENSIONS_PATH=/path/to/ade-extensions/] \
    [-e WFS_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config.xml] \
    [-v /my/data/config.xml:/path/to/config.xml] \