2.7.2. Conceptual database structureΒΆ

Starting from version 4.0.0, the 3DCityDB database schema has been slightly modified to support the handling of CityGML ADEs (Application Domain Extensions). With this enhancement, user-defined database schemas can be dynamically created and attached to a 3DCityDB instance for storing ADE data contents. In addition, every existing CityGML class table is now equipped with an OBJECTCLASS_ID column which allows to distinguish the stored data contents of different CityGML and ADE classes having inheritance relationships. Moreover, a set of new metadata tables are introduced in addition to the existing OBJECTCLASS table, for holding the relevant meta-information of the registered CityGML ADEs. In general, all 3DCityDB tables now logically belong to one of the three modules Metadata Module, Core Data Module, and Dynamic Data Module, whose relations are shown in the following figure.


Fig. 2.27 New conceptual 3DCityDB database structure for handling CityGML ADEs

The green tables enclosed in the Core Data Module represent those database tables that are responsible for storing the standard CityGML models such as Building, Transportation, Tunnel, CityFurniture, CityObjectGroup, Generic, Appearance etc. This module comprises basically the tables of the database schema of previous versions of the 3DCityDB (cf. the next section for more details). For a given CityGML ADE, an additional group of database tables forming a separate module belonging to the Dynamic Data Module (pink tables in the figure) can be created and attached to the 3DCityDB database schema. In addition, the relationships (e.g. generalization/specialization and associations) among the model classes of CityGML and CityGML ADEs are adequately reflected using database foreign key constraints which allow to ensure the data integrity and consistency within the database system. The Metadata Module associated with the Dynamic Data Module is utilized for storing the relevant meta-information (e.g. the XML namespaces, schema files, and class affiliations etc.) about ADEs as well as the referencing relations among the ADE and CityGML application schemas. This way, the dependencies between the registered ADE application schemas can be directly read from the 3DCityDB database schema to facilitate the database administration process, i.e. the registration and deregistration of multiple CityGML ADEs within a 3DCityDB instance.