1.5. 3DCityDB Docker Images

Docker is a widely used virtualization technology that makes it possible to pack an application with all its required resources into a standardized unit - the Docker Container. Software encapsulated in this way can run on Linux, Windows, macOS and most cloud services without any further changes. Docker containers are lightweight compared to traditional virtualization environments that emulate an entire operating system because they contain only the application and all the tools, program libraries, and files it requires.

1.5.1. Getting started

The Docker Container for 3D City Database is based on the Open Source database management system PostgreSQL and the PostGIS extension for spatial data. The image is freely available via DockerHub and can be directly downloaded and used. The detailed documentation and source code can be found on the GitHub project page (see below). All that is needed is a Docker installation on your system. The time-consuming installation of a database server, its configuration, the installation of a database extension for spatial data and the setup of the 3D City Database data model are a thing of the past. An example for setting up a 3DCityDB using Docker from a command line is given below:


docker run -dit --name citydb-container -p 5432:5432^
    -e "SRID=31468"^
    -e "SRSNAME=urn:adv:crs:DE_DHDN_3GK4*DE_DHN92_NH"^


docker run -dit --name citydb-container -p 5432:5432 \
    -e "SRID=31468" \
    -e "SRSNAME=urn:adv:crs:DE_DHDN_3GK4*DE_DHN92_NH" \


In the examples above the long commands are broken to several lines for readability using the Bash (\) or CMD (^) line continuation.

The docker run command fetches the most recent version of the Docker image from the Docker hub. This image includes a PostgreSQL/PostGIS installation. The 3DCityDB schema is being installed and a new and empty 3DCityDB database is created using the SRID 31468 and GML SRSName “urn:adv:crs:DE_DHDN_3GK4*DE_DHN92_NH”. After completion of the command the user can directly start importing a CityGML file into the database using the Importer/Exporter tool, which must have been installed locally.

1.5.2. Further images

In addition to the Docker Image for the 3D City Database, Docker Images for the 3DCityDB Web Feature Service (WFS) and the 3D Web Map Client are also available.

Docker Compose files are available for orchestrating the individual services. This allows for example, that a single command call can be used to create a 3DCityDB linked to a 3DCityDB WFS, which makes the data from the database accessible via a standardized web interface.

Downloads, documentation and source code

The documentation and source code for the individual images can be found on the Github project pages listed below. If you experience any problems or want to contribute, please submit an Github issue or pull request.

3DCityDB PostGIS

3DCityDB Web Feature Service (WFS)

3DCityDB 3D Web Map Client

3DCityDB Docker Compose service orchestration

  • Download, Documentation, and source code