3.2.16. Managing ADE schemas Logical 3DCityDB schema modules

The 3D City Database schema can be dynamically extended with user-defined schemas for storing CityGML ADE data. Every additional ADE schema is registered in special tables of the 3DCityDB schema that hold relevant metadata about the ADE itself. The feature and object classes defined in the ADE are added to the OBJECTCLASS table.

Logically, all tables within a 3D City Database instance can therefore be grouped into three modules:

  1. Core Data Module containing the core tables for storing CityGML data,

  2. Metadata Module containing tables for the registration of ADEs, and

  3. Dynamic Data Module containing the tables for storing the actual ADE data.


ADE support has been introduced with version 4.0 of the 3D City Database. The database schema of previous versions of the 3D City Database basically consists of the tables in the Core Data Module.

The relations between the modules are shown in the following figure.


Fig. 3.54 New conceptual 3DCityDB database structure for handling CityGML ADEs

The green tables enclosed in the Core Data Module represent those database tables that are responsible for storing the standard CityGML features such as Building, Transportation, Tunnel, CityFurniture, CityObjectGroup, Generic, Appearance etc, which have been introduced and discussed in the previous sections of this chapter.

For every CityGML ADE, an additional set of database tables for storing the ADE data is dynamically added to the Dynamic Data Module (pink tables in the figure). In addition, relationships between model classes defined in the ADEs and classes from CityGML such as generalization/specialization and associations are adequately reflected using database foreign key constraints which allow to ensure the data integrity and consistency within the database system.

The Metadata Module is used for storing the relevant meta-information (e.g. the XML namespaces, schema files, and class affiliations etc.) about ADEs as well as the referencing relations among the ADE and CityGML application schemas. This way, the dependencies between the registered ADE application schemas can be directly read from the 3DCityDB database schema to facilitate the database administration process, i.e. the registration and de-registration of multiple CityGML ADEs within a 3DCityDB instance. ADE metadata model

An overview of the relational structure of the Metadata Module is shown in Fig. 3.55. The table ADE serves as a central registry for all the registered CityGML ADEs each of which corresponds to a table row and the relevant ADE metadata attributes are mapped onto the respective columns. For example, each registered ADE shall own a globally unique ID value for identification purpose. This ID value could be a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that can be automatically generated and stored in the column ADEID while registering the ADE. The columns NAME and DESCRIPTION are mainly used for storing a basic description about each ADE. The column VERSION denotes the version number of an ADE and allows to distinguish different release versions.

In the 3DCityDB database schema, the database objects like tables, indexes, foreign key constrains, and sequences of a certain ADE shall be named by starting with a unique prefix stored that is stored in the DB_PREFIX column. This allows applications to easily retrieve the database schema of a certain ADE using a wildcard filter. This way, it is possible to automatically perform statistics on the ADE data contents stored in the individual tables. In addition, the column XML_SCHEMAMAPPING_FILE is used to store the XML-formatted schema mapping information of each ADE and is hence defined with the CLOB data type. Another CLOB-typed column is DROP_DB_SCRIPT, which stores the SQL statements for dropping the individual ADE database schema. To remove an ADE from the 3DCityDB, this script can be easily retrieved and executed at the database side.

Moreover, the CREATION_DATE and CREATION_PERSON are two application-specific attribute columns for providing the information about when and by whom an ADE was registered in the 3DCityDB. This meta-information is typically helpful for 3DCityDB users to accomplish the administration work e.g. searching and cleaning up those ADEs that are outdated or registered by certain database users.


Fig. 3.55 Technical implementation of the 3DCityDB Metadata Module in a relational diagram

A CityGML ADE may consist of multiple application schemas one of which should be the root schema referencing the others. Such dependency information along with the meta-information about the individual schema(s) are stored in two tables, namely SCHEMA and SCHEMA_REFERENCING. The SCHEMA_REFERENCING table is an associative table which contains two foreign key columns REFERENCED_ID and REFERENCING_ID to link the respective referencing and referenced schemas. In the table SCHEMA, the flag attribute IS_ADE_ROOT is used for denoting the root schema that directly or indirectly references all the other ADE schemas of an ADE. In this way, the dependency hierarchy of the ADE schemas can be fully represented in a relational model to facilitate the reconstruction of the original schema relations through user applications. For each schema, its meta-information such as the schema location, namespace, namespace prefix, source XML schema definition file, as well as the file type (e.g. plain XML text or archived) of the schema can also be stored in the further columns of the SCHEMA table. The column CITYGML_VERSION refers to CityGML version for which the ADE has been defined.

The table OBJECTCLASS is a central registry for enumerating not only the standard CityGML classes but also the classes of the registered ADEs. For this reason, it has been logically moved from the Core Data Module into the Metadata Module. Each class is assigned a globally unique numeric ID in OBJECTCLASS for querying and accessing the class-related information. As explained in the Section, the ID values ranging from 0 to 113 used for the standard CityGML classes.


To be able to implement future changes for the 3DCityDB schema, the ID value range 0 - 9999 is preserved for the core CityGML schema and shall not be used for ADE classes.

In order to avoid ID clashes between ADEs, each ADE shall own a certain value range which can be centrally maintained and organized by an official community like the 3DCityDB group. The OBJECTCLASS table also contains a few additional columns like the IS_ADE_CLASS which is a flag to mark and easily identify those classes belonging to ADEs. Another column named TABLENAME refers to the table name of a CityGML or ADE class and provides the basic information about model mapping. The last two columns SUPERCLASS_ID and BASECLASS_ID are two foreign key columns of the ID column for representing the inheritance hierarchy of all the CityGML and ADE classes in a relational structure.

In addition to the inheritance relationship mapped in OBJECTCLASS, the aggregation relationship between CityGML and ADE classes can also be represented within a 3DCityDB instance by means of the table AGGREGATION_INFO. Its first two columns CHILD_ID and PARENT_ID are two foreign key columns which point to the primary key column of the table OBJECTCLASS to reflect the two related classes. The aggregation or composition relationship between each pair of classes can be distinguished by using the flag attribute IS_COMPOSITE whose value can either be 0 (aggregation) or 1 (composition). In 3DCityDB, each aggregation/composition is logically mapped onto a foreign key column or an associative table for joining the two respective class tables. This meta-information can also be stored in the table AGGREGATION_INFO using its column JOIN_TABLE_OR_COLUMN_NAME. In addition, the multiplicity of the individual aggregation/composition are stored in the two numeric columns MIN_OCCURS and MAX_OCCURS. In case of a 0..* relationship where the value of the multiplicity end is unbounded, the value in the column MAX_OCCURS shall be set NULL.