The 3D web client supports rich model interaction such as highlighting
of 3D objects on mouse over and mouse click. More than one 3D object can
be selected by Ctrl-clicking on them and can also be hidden and
redisplayed in the 3D web client interactively. Besides, the user is
able to create a screenshot image of the current map view (including the
highlighted and hidden 3D objects) or print it directly via the web
browser. Moreover, when a 3D object is selected, it can be visually
inspected in other third-party mapping applications (Bing Maps, Google
Streetview, OpenStreetMap and DualMaps) from multiple view
perspectives such as oblique view, street view, or a combined version.
For the sake of clarity, the above mentioned functionalities will be
illustrated with the help of a number of screenshots generated based on
the online demo Semantic 3D City Model of Berlin which shows all
Berlin’s buildings (> 550,000) with textured 3D geometries and many
thematic attributes in the 3D web client. You can find the link of this
demo via the following web page:
Once the demo was opened in your web browser, you may need to use the
Geocoder widget to zoom the Earth map to the building object with the
GMLID “BLDG_0003000b0009a940”.